Foundation blog Campaigns

Sign up to help prevent social isolation and loneliness

October 1, 2020

More than 500 RTOERO members and friends of the RTOERO foundation have signed up for the RTOERO Foundation’s annual Social Isolation Awareness Month campaign which runs during the month of October. It’s not too late to join!

We’ve all experienced social isolation because of the shutdown of our communities due to the pandemic. And it happened quickly. But many seniors in our communities were socially isolated before the pandemic. And they will still be alone when the pandemic is over. And, we don’t yet know what long-term impacts the pandemic may have on the chronic social isolation situation in our country, but we’re confident it has worsened an already serious situation.

You can help by joining our Social Isolation Awareness Month Campaign

Once you join, you’ll receive a new challenge email each Tuesday in October. The first challenge is Tuesday, October 6.

The challenges are designed to demonstrate the simple actions we can take to help others feel included and supported. Plus, you’ll learn more about the issue of social isolation by being part of the campaign.

Please help us raise awareness and funds

We’re also asking participants to help us reach our fundraising goal of $100,000 for research, awareness and community projects to help socially isolated seniors.

If you’re passionate about the cause, you can help us fundraise right now by creating your own peer-to-peer campaign. We’ve set it upso it’s easy for you to get started!

Or, you can donate directly to the campaign.

Let’s move from isolation to inclusion

Before the pandemic, social isolation affected 1 in 5 Canadian seniors. The consequences of social isolation can be life-threatening. Together, we can take action to prevent and reverse social isolation for ourselves, our loved ones and all Canadians.

Please join the campaign today.