Enjoy retirement Healthy living

5 spring cleaning ideas for your mind, body and soul

Come spring, we often think of reorganizing, decluttering closets, opening windows and dusting every corner of our homes. As the season renews, this can also be a great time to refresh your mind, body and soul. Here are a few tips to gear up your personal spring cleaning that can help support healthy aging.

Cleanse your mind

Do an emotional inventory to help you re-evaluate what is affecting you and what you need to adjust or eliminate to have a healthier, happier life.

Rejuvenate your body

Visit your local farmers’ market for in-season fresh fruits and veggies. Use springtime as a catalyst to reset your eating habits and give your body the fresh nutrients it needs. Go for healthier choices. Your body will thank you!

Think wellness

Take care of your overall health and wellness. This could mean scheduling your annual physical, or booking an appointment with a social worker, naturopath or a nutritionist. If you have the RTOERO extended health care plan, take advantage of the services covered under paramedical benefits.

Reinvigorate your exercise routine

Commit to your fitness regime by doing physical activities that you enjoy. Reboot your old workout routine by shaking things up this spring. Head outdoors for a hike or burn calories outside while getting your garden spring-ready.

Give yourself quiet time

A little quiet time can help you dispel any toxins cluttering your mind and heart to reprioritize your thoughts. Try deep breathing, meditation, journaling or spending time in nature to kindle your spirit.

Kick-off your spring cleaning with your mind, body and soul to fully embrace this season of rejuvenation.