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Stay safe online with these best practices

This article first appeared in Liaison, our member newsletter.

Scammers can be sophisticated! Stay a step ahead with these tips for online safety.

  1. There are secure and unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Connect to secure Wi-Fi networks when possible, and turn off automatic Bluetooth connectivity.
  1. Be aware if websites are secure. Secure URLs typically begin with https (the S is for secured).
  1. Avoid doing online transactions on public Wi-Fi networks. Clear credit and banking information from online caches and forms.
  1. Change your passwords regularly. For a strong password, include upper and lowercase letters, special characters and numbers.
  1. Select the most secure and private settings on all your online accounts and devices. These settings include everything from turning off device microphone access to storing online passwords.
  1. There are universal security systems for every operating system (Microsoft, Apple and Android). Be sure to keep programs and apps updated. These updates address bugs, security and operating issues.
  1. Always check links and email sender addresses before opening and sharing information. Hover over email names to see the sender’s actual address – email sender names and URLs can often link suspicious addresses while disguising as a contact or address you know.
  1. Unsure if it’s a scam? Run the email address, subject or web address through a quick Google search before opening or clicking anything. The search will usually make it clear whether or not the content is suspicious or linked to a scam.

Implementing these best practices can help to keep you safe from hackers.

But despite your best efforts, bad things can still happen. It might give you peace of mind to know you can have easy access to help if you’re a victim of identity theft with $30,000 in identity theft coverage included with RTOERO’s home insurance plan.