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Show your heart some love

This is the time of year when love is in the air. Instead of doing something romantic for your significant other, let’s take time to show ourselves some love. The key to a happy heart begins with establishing healthy habits. According the Heart and Stroke Foundation, “8 in 10 cases of premature heart disease and strokes caused are preventable through healthy lifestyle behaviours.”

We can show our hearts some love by making small changes that will have huge impacts on our overall health.

Stay active— The average adult heart pumps up to 7,500 liters of blood a day. Introducing low-impact activities like swimming, walking or dancing are great ways to increase blood flow and reduce heart disease.

Eat well—Cut back on meals that are high in calories, saturated fat and sugar. Make healthy eating a priority by adding at least five servings of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. They are a good source of vitamins and minerals that help reduce the risks of having a stroke.

Manage stress—When experiencing stressful situations, try meditation, Tai Chi or yoga. Managing stress through relaxation techniques can help to decrease blood pressure and provides many short- and long-term health benefits.

Showing your heart some love by working on these healthy habits will have a positive impact on your mind, body and soul. Your heart will thank you.