“Retirement is a big life change. Overwhelmingly, folks tell us they want to know more about insurance for retirement and would like help with practical retirement to-do tasks. Our resource bundle gives you those practical tips and tools to help you at every stage.”
— Jim Grieve

Ease into retirement
- Get clear on the tasks and steps involved in retiring from the education sector in Canada
- Save time searching for links and forms for all the government information you need
- Imagine your retirement lifestyle and prepare for the freedom of life after daily work

What’s included
- Customizable retirement planning checklist – Create your own to-do list, starting from our prepopulated Excel spreadsheet.
- Template retirement letter – use this Word template to craft your own letter.
- Your life by design ebook – Retirement planning is about more than finances. You can plan for joy too!
- Procrastinator’s guide to retirement – Feeling late to the party? These are the most critical tasks to take care of.
- Esprit – our membership and insurance guide. Learn about RTOERO membership and retirement insurance.
- Insurance comparison checklist – Learn what to look for when evaluating insurance options for retirement

Take the guesswork out of preparing for retirement.
Get instant access to the retirement planning bundle.
RTOERO is a bilingual trusted voice on healthy, active living in the retirement journey for the broader education community. With 86,000+ members in 51 districts across Canada, we are the largest national provider of non-profit group health benefits for education workers and retirees. We welcome members who work in or are retired from the early years, schools and school boards, post-secondary and any other capacity in education, as well as their immediate family. We believe in a better future, together!
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