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Humans need light, especially sunlight. As a result, light therapy is commonly used as a treatment method for seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Light is very important because it influences your circadian rhythm, which is known as your body’s “internal clock”. Brain cells tend to be the most sensitive to blue wavelengths and least sensitive to red wavelengths; red and amber light is the least likely to impact your circadian rhythm, especially as you prepare to rest. Be mindful that light comes from many sources, including screens. Adjust your lights and the settings of your devices and screens to complement daylight hours.
Use colour and light to influence your mood. Since light, hue, colour and saturation all carry psychological impact, you can moderate these elements to create a space that’s most pleasing to you! Light and colour can also contribute to comfort and memorization of geographical space. You can use colour, lights and window coverings to expose or diffuse the light and tone in your space to your liking. Studies show that humans are more comfortable in spaces with colour than in those without. There is a range of warm to cool colours, and we can change the perceived warmth felt in a space by painting walls with warmer colour tones. Since humans are drawn to warm colours, such as reds and oranges, there is a certain comfort felt in warm-toned spaces.