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You can rest assured—our group health insurance plans are well-established and evolve to meet your needs. We operate the Entente Group Insurance Program on a not-for-profit basis for the benefit of our members. It's administered by Johnson Inc., our partner for more than 30 years.
Supplemental travel insurance coverage: The supplemental travel insurance plans are available for members covered under the extended health care plan, which includes the RTOERO Travel Plan at no extra cost.
Supplemental Travel Plan: When purchased, the plan extends travel coverage for a trip that exceeds 93 days outside the province or territory of residence.
Learn more PremiumsFor RTOERO members who are not in the extended health care plan, this product helps protect you against unforeseen circumstances that may prevent you from travelling or from completing a trip as planned.
Supplemental Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Plan: When purchased, the plan provides trip cancellation/interruption coverage up to $12,000 per insured for a specific trip.
Learn more PremiumsRTOERO members save up to 40% on home and car insurance, plus receive exclusive benefits after age 50. It’s easy to get a no-obligation quote.
Learn more PremiumsRTOERO members between 50 and 85 get guaranteed acceptance for life insurance regardless of health. Members between 45 and 70 can receive term coverage of up to $150,000 by answering five simple medical questions.
Learn more PremiumsReceive financial protection in the event of a serious accident. Guaranteed acceptance for members and their spouses under age 85.
Learn more Premiums