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10 resources to help you plan for retirement in Canada

Retirement is a lot like other life transitions—moving away from home, starting a family, starting your career—there’s often excitement and anticipation. However, it’s a big change, and it may feel overwhelming at times.

Whatever you’re feeling, you’re not alone. And thankfully, many people have gone before you (our retired members included!). You can learn from their experiences.

We’ve rounded up 10 made-in-Canada resources to help you prepare for retirement.

Resources to help you prepare for retirement in Canada

1) Everything you need to think about to plan for retirement in Canada

This list includes links and information covering just about everything you’ll need to do as you approach retirement and start the journey.

2) How to prepare for retirement emotionally

Retirement planning is about more than finances. It’s a good idea to look after your mental well-being through the transition. This article includes tips to help you prepare emotionally.

3) Free retirement planning workshops

You can attend our free retirement planning workshop as many times as you’d like. You’ll log off feeling more confident in your retirement plans. The two-hour session is always highly rated by participants.

4) What to include in your retirement letter (plus a template!)

Writing your retirement letter may be the thing that makes your decision feel official. If you’re stuck on what to write, check out this article and feel free to use the template to get started.

5) Canadian retirement income calculator

This government calculator will help you determine your retirement income. Gather your CPP/QPP statement, employer pension information, recent RRSP statement and info about any other savings you have.

6) Determining how much money you need for retirement

This article from the Canadian government offers advice on how to figure out how much money you’ll need in retirement. You can use the budget planner to create a budget. 

7) How to decide when to start your CPP

As you investigate your retirement income scenarios, you’ll likely contemplate when to start your CPP/QPP. This article offers some things to consider.

8) What to compare when looking at insurance options for retirement (+ printable checklist!)

As you investigate insurance options for retirement, you might appreciate this checklist of what to compare. It includes questions you can ask and info to look for based on what’s important to you!

9) Wondering what to do in retirement? Here are 50 ideas

Thinking about the activities you’d like to do in retirement can be a fun part of the planning! If you need help getting started, check out this list of 50 ideas.

10) Free membership

You don’t need to wait to be retired to join our organization. Your membership is free until you retire or join our Entente Group Insurance Program. If you’re already retired, membership is free until year-end. Join today and start enjoy the benefits of membership, including access to Venngo MemberPerks®, our member savings program.

Like other big life changes, preparing for your retirement will feel more manageable if you break the work into smaller chunks. The free retirement planning workshop is always a good place to start this leg of your journey. It’ll provide an overview and help you recognize topics you want to dig into further. Good luck, and remember, we’re here for you when you need us.

Download the ultimate retirement planning resource bundle for Canadian education workers

We’ve packaged up our best retirement planning resources to
help you get retirement ready with confidence.

  • Retirement planning checklist
  • Template retirement letter
  • Your life by design ebook
  • Procrastinator’s guide to retirement
  • Esprit – our membership and insurance guide
  • Insurance comparison checklist
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